#physiotalk on Service Design in Healthcare 20th Oct 8pm

The #physiotalk chat on Monday 20th October at 8pm is on  Service Design in Healthcare, where we will be joined by @HelBax who is a physiotherapist who now focusses on Experience Based Design.

 “the effective use of design is fundamental to the creation of innovative products, processes and services”

QualityUK Government white paper on competitiveness, 1995

The experiences that patients, the public and healthcare staff have when they receive or deliver healthcare services are a valuable source of information that can be used to improve or transform those services. Experience Based Design (EBD) is the methodology, based on user centred design thinking, for working with patients, families, carers and staff to design better services and improve services.

Healthcare quality has three main tenets; patient safety, clinical effectiveness and patient experience. The interaction of patients with the services they access, how the service ‘feels’ or is experienced, is given equal importance alongside safety and effectiveness.

Through narrative and observation we begin to truly understand what is currently happening, from the user’s perspective, and using emotional mapping of patient and staff experience, design approaches help us to identify areas for improvement and insights upon which to build ideas for improvement. Experience Based Design allows us to gather insight into how services are experienced based on the person’s emotional response to the interaction. It helps individuals and teams to challenge assumptions and perceptions about what we think the patient or family member feels and needs.


The involvement of patients and staff throughout EBD projects is more profound than that in traditional patient involvement approaches. Using the insights that are captured, patients, families and staff work together to ‘co-design’ improvements to the services. The co-design approach assures that improvements made are aligned to patient, carer and staff experience and truly add value by ensuring that the services provided better meet the needs of those who access them, and those who provide them.

EBD is an approach that can neatly dovetail with other improvement or innovation approaches. It helps to ensure that any initiative does not purely focus on the technical or efficiency related components of service delivery, but that the experience of those using the service is always considered.

Pre-chat information:

Experience Based Design resources

EBD guide and toolkit

Thinking differently


Post chat info

Click here for the chat transcript.

Here are some links to information shared during the chat:

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