Recovery planning: creating lasting change from Covid-19 #Physiotalk Mon 18th May 8pm BST

As the pandemic progresses international, national, and regional attention is turning to focus on living with Covid-19, the ‘new normal’; and restarting of business and usual work.

The acceleration of change and innovation within health and care as a result of the pandemic response has created important conversations about what needs to to stop/start/continue in the future. Our tweetchat on Monday 18th May, as part of our ongoing Covid-19 series, will focus on creating lasting change as a result of the pandemic, hosted by @NaomiMcVey.

We are going to use the recent blog from Ian Burbidge and the RSA on How to create real, lasting change during and after Covid-19 to structure discussions.

Here’s how the get the most out of this tweetchat:

  1. Read the RSA blog above in advance – including the link to the slide deck at the end.
  2. Share it with your peers and colleagues and use the questions below to help reflect and plan for the chat.
  3. Think about this in relation to you as an individual and person – work, home, family and leisure, as well as your service and organisation.

Questions ahead of the tweetchat:

  1. What work or activities have you or your service stopped as a result of the pandemic that you do not plan to re-start? (obsolete activity).
  2. What activities have you or your service stopped that need to be re-started? How will they need to be restarted, and what might be the longer term impact of the pause? (paused activity).
  3. What temporary arrangements have you or your service put in place that won’t become part of the new normal, but that you will need to learn from? (temporary measures).
  4. What changes have you or your service started that you want to keep? (innovative measures).
  5. How do we capture the important lessons learned so far?
  6. What leadership skills, values and behaviours do we all need to help make some the above happen?

Pre-chat information:

Chat transcript

If you missed the chat you can catch up here

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